CO2 removal
We believe that to stabilize our climate we need to make big, bold moves and leverage the existing footprints of large-scale industrial operations.

Big & bold
We are developing strategic partnerships with the companies that handle billions of tonnes of rock every year – the global producers of critical materials.

Photo by Gary Yost on Unsplash
The lighter gigatonne
Our pathway has gigatonne-scale potential, with an ultra-light footprint – because we operate within existing industrial sites.

From underground
to rock star
The star of our show is ultramafic rock. Rich in magnesium, it naturally reacts with CO₂ in a process known as carbon mineralization, capturing and locking away CO₂ safely and permanently. But, like most geological processes, mineralization is slow. That’s why our breakthrough technology gives ultramafic rocks some superpowers to increase both the speed and the capacity for carbon removal.
Arca Head Scientist Dr. Greg Dipple explains more
Serpentinite is a common form of ultramafic rock that mineralizes atmospheric CO2. Photo: Dave Zeko

Deploying rock-solid carbon removal
We are already removing CO2 at our first project site on a large nickel mine in Western Australia. There, our autonomous rovers are speeding up the mineralization process and our team of scientists is measuring real-time carbon removal data.
Rovers from Copperstone are customized with Arca's Smart Churning technologies

just way faster
Our technology accelerates the natural process of mineralization, transforming mine tailings into valuable resources.
Arca was built on the foundation of more than 20 years of academic research, dozens of field trials and collaborations with more than 30 mining companies around the world.
Photo by Isaac Borrego

In the footsteps of giants
Critical metal mines not only provide the minerals needed for the clean energy transition, but also have the potential to remove large amounts of CO₂ from the atmosphere. With our technology, we can harness the huge global footprint of these operations to transform them into massive carbon sinks.
The only road to net zero
runs through Indigenous lands
Most mine sites are located on the traditional territories of indigenous peoples.
We are committed to protecting these lands for future generations.
Find out more about our commitment

Wandjina style Aboriginal rock art, Raft Point, Doubtful Bay, The Kimberley, Western Australia

We need bright minds,
to build a brighter future
We’re always looking for passionate people who want to join our mission to stabilize the climate.
Learn more